Thursday 10 June 2010

Funny t-shirts pick pictures

So I was looking at this one this morning just before it was posted off to some lucky customer and it’s one of the most funny t-shirts on teesbox i reckon.

funny t-shirts  random pick

Click here to buy one of these funny t-shirts
If you’re from the UK, you’ll get this t-shirt – if you’re from Canada, the US or Aus it’ll confuse the hell out of you. The reason is in most of the world, soccer ain’t called soccer, it’s called football.
Here’s the thing, let’s take US football, NFL to be precise, why the heck’s it even called football?

throwball, not football

Check out this picture, I’d call it handball, except that’s already a sport, how about throwball? Sounds lame right? That’s why you’ve had to steal the name ‘football’ but then you’ve gotten all “WTF?” with “soccer” and had to think of a crazy name for it.
One thing that does ammuse and confuse me about soccer in the US is that it’s thought of as a rich kids game, the exact opposite of here in the UK. I wonder how it got that image? You dont exactly need a load of stuff to play it, shoes and a ball? I think most of you can afford that, and if you can’t afford that get off our site and stop wasting our bandwidth ‘cos you can’t afford any funny t-shirts.

Jackalope – the ball loving bunny.